Conversion of users data

Track your conversions, know the performance of your campaigns.

A Conversion is an action taken by a user by clicking your ad which is valuable to your business. Any purchases made through your website or a phone call by the user are a few examples that may be valuable to your business. Tracking these conversions help you in determining the performance of your campaigns … Continue reading Track your conversions, know the performance of your campaigns.

Advertising your brand on social media

There is no dearth of social media platforms to advertise your brand. You can find a variety of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, linked in etc. where you can advertise your product but finding the best platform requires a thorough knowledge about the audience you want to target. The task of deciding which … Continue reading Advertising your brand on social media

Ad text and creative ad making

Creative ads, to make that user just click those ads of yours.       

Ads on a search engine are noticed by people when the headline text is relevant to their search, hence make the headline relevant by adding at least one of your keywords in the headline text. You’ll be having 30 characters for each of the headlines, which would be combined via a hyphen (-) and make sure … Continue reading Creative ads, to make that user just click those ads of yours.       

Search Engine Optimization: Not everyone’s cup of tea.

A person performing an online search sees the results within seconds and finds the website related to the Keywords included in his search. In those milli-seconds the search engine goes through millions of documents using its mathematical algorithms and provides the user with the most relevant website or document and ranks according to the quality or … Continue reading Search Engine Optimization: Not everyone’s cup of tea.

Setting the daily budget for advertising online.

Beginners guide on choosing the daily budget for marketing your Ads

A financial plan for advertising your ads would depend on your willingness to spend each day. In case you have a new business and planning to advertise online then the best option is to start with a small amount which you can probably afford and analyze the results for your campaign and increase your budget … Continue reading Beginners guide on choosing the daily budget for marketing your Ads

variety of keywords

Keywords: Making your campaigns cost effective only if used intelligently.

The most important element in the advertising campaign are the keywords and making intelligent use of them would make your advertisement campaign highly effective and productive. So, investing in highly relevant keywords to your website would result in an investment as there would be high conversion rate and yours spends would be worthwhile. Select the keywords … Continue reading Keywords: Making your campaigns cost effective only if used intelligently.

Cross chanel marketing | Social media

Cross Channel marketing: Dominance of Google and Facebook

Whenever you are online many a times you’ll be using a Facebook or google website or app which may include Chrome, WhatsApp, Instagram or Gmail as a result of this they have a huge dominance in the market. According to a survey they account for more than 60% of global annual ad revenues generation. Google … Continue reading Cross Channel marketing: Dominance of Google and Facebook

facebook data

Facebook could soon ask the marketers to confirm whether they have the consent for custom audience or not!

In a recent ordeal, Facebook faced issues related to data abuse and this ordeal could lead the giant to amend the tools it offered to its marketers. According to recent news from Facebook might add a tool needing a confirmation from marketers using custom audience to certify they have obtained the consent from the individuals … Continue reading Facebook could soon ask the marketers to confirm whether they have the consent for custom audience or not!

custom audience

Custom Audience- The most productive targeting tool of Facebook at the hands of the marketers

Facebook allows the marketers to use the tool of custom audiences in many different ways. Marketers having the data of their customers can upload the file containing all the information of the including phone numbers, email addresses, name etc. of their customers and through cross-referencing Facebook targets those accounts with the ones the data matches. Facebook … Continue reading Custom Audience- The most productive targeting tool of Facebook at the hands of the marketers

online marketing

How Digital marketing is overtaking Traditional Marketing: A quick look into the dynamic world of Marketing

In today’s world when all the companies and their customers are moving to online solutions and companies find their target consumers online more often than in any other form of media, the general trend of marketing has been shifting to digital marketing than other traditional forms of marketing. In a way, we can see the … Continue reading How Digital marketing is overtaking Traditional Marketing: A quick look into the dynamic world of Marketing