How Digital marketing is overtaking Traditional Marketing: A quick look into the dynamic world of Marketing

In today’s world when all the companies and their customers are moving to online solutions and companies find their target consumers online more often than in any other form of media, the general trend of marketing has been shifting to digital marketing than other traditional forms of marketing. In a way, we can see the different social media platforms and websites are optimizing their user interface in order to allow more visibility for their advertisers and sponsors to showcase their products or services on their platform and allow more and more customers to view it on their laptops or mobile screens.

online marketing

The data has shown a 34% growth year-on-year for digital marketing as an industry while other traditional marketing methods like print media and television has only seen 1-2% growth in the past year. This clearly shows the rift between the two forms and the shift is apparent.  The ease of use of social media marketing gives it an edge over usual traditional techniques. The time of operating and time taken for the message to reach the end consumer is also less.

In digital marketing we can directly track who is viewing our content, alter content at will and analyse the viewership and their reactions to the content directly. These methods are not available usually in print or other mass media techniques. Companies prefer these catchy and quick to serve content over lengthy advertisements as they convey the message more efficiently in a short span of time.

traditional marketing

As the growth of digital format in marketing is going to grow continuously in the future as well, we can see a lot of opportunities in the field. Whereas traditional marketing may not be completely replaced by digital but it will be a compulsory counterpart to it in the near future.

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