Creative ads, to make that user just click those ads of yours.       

Ads on a search engine are noticed by people when the headline text is relevant to their search, hence make the headline relevant by adding at least one of your keywords in the headline text. You’ll be having 30 characters for each of the headlines, which would be combined via a hyphen (-) and make sure not to over exaggerate or write too less. An example of the ad given below is of a plant nursery in the city of Boston, refer to the ad for a better understanding.


The URL to be given in the ad is the one where you want the users to go when they click on your ad. Your final URL can be for any page on your website and your ad’s display will show your website’s homepage URL example, if you want the users to see the name of the landing page you can display the same in the path fields which consists of 15 characters.






The Description of the text should be crisp and precise which should include the keywords that match with the search of the user. There are 80 characters in the description field, use the space to describe your product or website wisely.


Highlight that’s unique about your product or website in the description part and stand out from the rest of your competitors. Think what a person would type on the google search to buy a product that you are offering and use those keywords in your ad.

Ad extensions is an additional way of attracting potential customers, providing additional information including call buttons for directly calling the business through by clicking on the button through your mobile phone, additional links or texts and more. These ad extensions are more visible and prominent on the search engine, hence improving the click-through-rate(CTR) and moreover the click on the button would cost you the same as a click on the ad.

So, go right away and make the ad with all the information you have received. For any doubts do comment below, we would be more than happy to reply.

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