Conversion of users data

Track your conversions, know the performance of your campaigns.

A Conversion is an action taken by a user by clicking your ad which is valuable to your business. Any purchases made through your website or a phone call by the user are a few examples that may be valuable to your business. Tracking these conversions help you in determining the performance of your campaigns … Continue reading Track your conversions, know the performance of your campaigns.

Setting the daily budget for advertising online.

Beginners guide on choosing the daily budget for marketing your Ads

A financial plan for advertising your ads would depend on your willingness to spend each day. In case you have a new business and planning to advertise online then the best option is to start with a small amount which you can probably afford and analyze the results for your campaign and increase your budget … Continue reading Beginners guide on choosing the daily budget for marketing your Ads

online marketing

How Digital marketing is overtaking Traditional Marketing: A quick look into the dynamic world of Marketing

In today’s world when all the companies and their customers are moving to online solutions and companies find their target consumers online more often than in any other form of media, the general trend of marketing has been shifting to digital marketing than other traditional forms of marketing. In a way, we can see the … Continue reading How Digital marketing is overtaking Traditional Marketing: A quick look into the dynamic world of Marketing